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The dial knob may be rotated to set the timing mechanism to remain in an extended position for a set period of time. To see our "in-store" price on this product, you must add it to your Shopping Cart by clicking the Add to Cart button. Such a timer has an impeller interposed between the inlet and outlet of the valve and is rotated by the water flow. Push in collet squarely against face of fitting. Non-stock items are usually drop shipped. The Stainless steel valve body and ball to guarantee long working life, Brass or Nickle plated brass can also be available. Also called "Auto-return" function,when power is removed,the valve can automatic return to close,so far only available for AC110-230V, When ordering please tell us theMaterial,Size and Voltageyou prefer, For orders between $100 - $199, a flat shipping rate of $12.00 applies for UPS ground service. These and further aspects and advantages of the invention will be discussed more in detail hereinafter with reference to the disclosure of preferred embodiments, and in particular with reference to the appended Figures wherein: While the present invention is capable of embodiment in various forms, there is shown in the drawings and will hereinafter be described a presently preferred embodiment with the understanding that the present disclosure is to be considered as an exemplification of the invention, and is not intended to limit the invention to the specific embodiment illustrated. John Guest is the originator of Quick-Connect Fitting Technology and the world leader. Pull on the tube to check that it is secure. Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act Assignors: HEREN, LAWRENCE P., WISSLEAD, JOHN, JACOBS, SCOTT, Assigned to WELLS FARGO FOOTHILL, INC., AS ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT, WELLS FARGO FOOTHILL, INC., AS ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT, Assigned to ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORPORATION, Assigned to WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Prot: Stall current setting 0-599 mA,when the working current beyond this setting value,after 3 seconds later,will be considered as Stall. There has been a need for timer valves which permit flow of water for certain periods of time. Now, turn on the water and check the connection. "Memory" function: Size:1/2",3/4",1" in Brass or Stainless steel, (1-1/4" can be also available but only in Brass) TOFINE-TCM30P Timer valve with built-in stall current to prevent motor damage,LCD display provides accurate and efficient ON/OFF adjustment, toFF: Close hold time 00:00:0099:59:59 Hour:Minute:Second Exceptions exist, and additional freight charges will apply for some low priced, drop shipped items from Canada and for addresses that carry accessorial UPS charges, such as certain island destinations that require ferry service and other remote locations. SharkBite fittings are also approved for behind the wall and underground installations. The windup shaft extends parallel to the plunger shaft. Option4)Normallyclosedwhenpoweroff,withmemoryfunction,Close360hoursopen20seconds. SharkBite brass push-to-connect fittings are compatible with PEX, Copper, CPVC, PE-RT and HDPE pipe. The collet (gripper) has stainless steel teeth which hold the tube firmly in position while the O-ring provides a permanent leak-proof seal. The present invention relates generally to the field of water valve timers. The valve will be functioning continuously based on the Open and Close timings (Adjustable to 0 H : 0M :0S to 99 H : 59 M : 59 S) 1060 Triad Court, Suite A The time for valve open: 0H:0M:0S -- 99H 59M 59S, The time for valve closed: 0H:0M:0S--99H59M 59S, Programmable Timer Valves Model: TOFINE-TCM30P,,, IP67 on/off Electric ball valve Model: TOFINE-THA20T/100T, IP65 on/off Electric ball valve Model:TOFINE-CWX15Q/25S, Water Leak Alarm System Model: TOFINE-WLD806/807, Wireless Remote Control Motorized Ball Valve, Intelligent Water Meters/Prepaid Water Meter. Next Day Air, 2nd Day Air & 3-Day Select delivery services are available at an additional cost. Together with the description, the drawings serve to explain the principles of the invention. Call Our team of professionals for help @. Fail-safe and Memory is optional function,there will be additional cost, if there is no specify on these functions,we will provide standard valve without these functions, a first planetary gear coupled to the windup shaft; a sun gear intermeshed with the first planetary gear via other planetary and sun gears; a rocker arm which swings in relation to the sprocket; a coil spring coupled to a flywheel which has a pin which swings the sprocket. There is a further need for a mechanical timer which is accurate but requires no outside power sources. The SharkBite Universal brass push-to-connect fitting is ready to re-use. Irrigation , , MECHANICAL ENGINEERING; LIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; BLASTING, ENGINEERING ELEMENTS AND UNITS; GENERAL MEASURES FOR PRODUCING AND MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF MACHINES OR INSTALLATIONS; THERMAL INSULATION IN GENERAL, VALVES; TAPS; COCKS; ACTUATING-FLOATS; DEVICES FOR VENTING OR AERATING, Actuating devices; Operating means; Releasing devices, Mechanical actuating means actuated by mechanical timing-device, e.g. The PEX stiffener does not need to be removed for Copper or CPVC applications. the price of this type of Clock Timer valve is higher than standard version-Timer control motorized ball valves,if you need Clock type Timer valve,please specify it in your inquire,or else,we will provide standard version- Timer control motorized ball valves,more details please contact TOFINE Email:, WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, CALIFORNIA, Free format text: Use your SharkBite Deburr & Gauge Tool to measure and mark the insertion depth on your pipe. An in line mechanical timing valve is disclosed. It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description and the following detailed description are not limiting but are intended to provide further explanation of the invention claimed. There is also a need for a mechanical timer which has a less complex assembly. a stop washer coupled to one end of the windup shaft, the opposite end of the wind up shaft being coupled to the control mechanism; a coil spring coupled to the windup shaft, the coil spring being wound up by rotating the windup shaft; and. If with memory,When power ON again, the valve continues to run remaining 5minutes Open cycle which was left before power OFF Please allow up to 10 business days, starting with the next business day after your order was placed, for delivery. With fail-closed feature,valve can auto return to close when power is removed. FISKARS OYJ ABP, FINLAND, Free format text: Also, electrical devices have some safety risk due to electrical shock. Fitting grips before it seals. More Information on Lead in Drinking Water. To use the Disconnect Tongs, slide the tongs over the fitting and the pipe. a spring on the weld cap in contact with the plunger which forces the diaphragm in the closed position. B2-20120091-4. If the fitting is being installed for underground use, wrap with silicone self-adhesive tape before burying. No. Trying to stay away from using an external timer? The fitting can be rotated after installation, so you can install without having to worry about how it's positioned. The user does not have to return to the valve to shut off the water flow to prevent over watering. ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:FISKARS FINLAND OY AB;REEL/FRAME:059695/0953, Owner name: SharkBite fittings come with a PEX stiffener pre-loaded into the fitting for PEX, PE-RT and HDPE. LAWN & GARDEN, LLC, NEW YORK, Free format text: If we can not deliver your order in this time frame, the order may be canceled prior to shipment, and a full refund will be credited. In addition, if the water flow is low pressure, the valve may not shut off properly. Our Timer Control Motorized Ball Valve can meet your demand,Model: TOFINE-TCM30P, Web:, Email:,ideal for automatic irrigation,drain system,feeding system or other automatic treatment. * Noryl is a registered trademark of General Electric Company. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various modifications and variations can be made in the method and system of the present invention without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention. ton : Open hold time 00:00:0099:59:59 Hour:Minute:Second If the electrical power is supplied by a battery, the timer has a limited life. Timer Control Motorized Ball Valves Model TOFINE-TCM30P available in below options on Size,Voltage and WIring,etc, * We will provide standard Timer valve without Fail safe and Memory function,unless specify, A variety of valves have used mechanical wind up timers. "Fail-safe" function: Model:TOFINE-TCM30P, TOFINE valvesfeaturesFull port design,these full ported ball valves pass suspended particulate more efficiently than solenoid valves,thus are less likely to stick open of closed,so far it has been the best economical alternative to solenoid valves,especially when solenoid valves can not work reliably. Thus, there is a need for a mechanical timer in which the mechanical components are in-line with the valve to conserve space. ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS). A valve is located between the inlet and outlet, the valve having a plunger shaft therethrough which activates the valve. These needs and others may be met by the present invention, one example of which is a timer valve for controlling the flow of water. In such a manner, a user simply sets the timer for a determined period of time. A drive by smooth or notched belts a mechanical watch movement. an outlet chamber fluidly coupled to the outlet; a diaphragm separating the outlet chamber from the intermediary chamber, the diaphragm having a center hole allowing the plunger shaft to pass therethrough; a spring in contact with the plunger and opposite the timing mechanism, the spring forcing the diaphragm in a first position to close the valve and prevent water flow between the inlet and the outlet chamber; and wherein movement of the plunger shaft compresses the spring to move the diaphragm in a second position and actuate the valve to permit water flow between the inlet and the outlet chamber. These timers do not require an external power source and operate using a spring which is wound up and gradually released to activate the valve. To disconnect, ensure the system is depressurized before removing the tube. Water Saving system, The valve has a main body having an inlet and outlet for communication of water through the valve. WQA certified products will be marked with a symbol. L.R. Our friendly Certified Water Specialists are here to help you. Many orders will be received in less time. Timer controlled motorized ball valves also called motorized ball valve with built in timeror Timer programmable electric ball valves,stay away from using an external timer,Electric actuated ,with adjusted minutes on/adjusted minutes off,TOFINE-TCM30P used in different water or air application,such as condensate removal from compressed air system,Irrigation system,lawn sprinkler system,Water treatment,etc The Water Quality Association's Gold Seal Certification Program is dedicated to providing public health and safety services throughout the USA and globally, while maintaining expert service, superior reputation, and fair pricing. We ship in stock items on the next business day in most cases. If you want to see more pictures please visit A timing mechanism has a windup shaft parallel to the central axis of the bisecting cylinder, the windup shaft having one end coupled to the dial knob. * Material: Stainless,Brass or Nickle plated brass? an inlet capable of being coupled to a water source; a valve housing fluidly coupled to the inlet and the outlet to control water flow between the inlet and the outlet; a bisecting cylinder perpendicular to the inlet and outlet, the bisecting cylinder having a central axis and a diaphragm which has an open position allowing water flow to the outlet and a closed position preventing water flow to the outlet; a dial knob having an extended position and a retracted position and the dial knob being rotatable about the central axis of the bisecting cylinder when in the retracted position; a timing mechanism having a windup shaft parallel to the central axis of the bisecting cylinder, the windup shaft having one end coupled to the dial knob; a plunger shaft parallel to the central axis of the bisecting cylinder and inserted through the timing mechanism, the plunger shaft having a first end which is coupled to the diaphragm and an opposite second end which is coupled to the dial knob, wherein the dial cap may be rotated in the retracted position to set the timing mechanism to remain in the retracted position for a set period of time. A valve housing is fluidly coupled to the inlet and the outlet to control water flow between the inlet and the outlet. Option1)Normallyclosedwhenpoweroff,nomemoryfunction, 99H59M59S More Infomation about Water Quality Association. PATENTED CASE, Owner name: The dial knob is rotatable about the central axis of the bisecting cylinder when in the retracted position. A shaft parallel to the central axis of the bisecting cylinder is inserted through the timing mechanism. Water automatic treatment system, NELSON CORPORATION, ILLINOIS, Free format text: However, this limits the effective range of the valve as it must be placed in proximity to an electrical outlet in order to function. Forexample,ifyousettingvalveopen30minutes,valveclose50minutes,thevalveswillkeeponopenfor30minutesandkeeponclosefor50minutes. The time for valve closed: 0H:0M:0S--99H59M 59S. To remove the fitting, use a SharkBite Disconnect Clip or Disconnect Tongs. No tools are required and the fittings can be even installed in wet lines. TOFINE Timer controlled motorized ball valves available on multiple options on Voltage,Size and Valve body material, Working voltage: AC/DC9-24V or AC110-230V Xingsheng Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Aemaxx Household Products Co., Ltd. Nanjing Yueh-Chih Mechanical & Electrical Trading Co., Ltd. Shenzhen H-Tec Network Technology Co., Ltd. If you have some questions on how to operate the valves please contact us via we will send you instructions, shuts off and opens up automatically at a certain time. For orders between $1 - $99, a flat shipping rate of $20.00 applies for UPS ground service. Orders over $199 receive free UPS ground shipping in the continental U.S. (excluding Alaska). Alternatively, electrical power may be supplied through a standard electrical outlet. Marietta, Georgia 30062-2262, Mon - Fri 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM ET A timing mechanism is provided which controls the plunger shaft, the timing mechanism has gearing and a windup shaft which turns the gearing. If Timer control motorized ball valves TOFINE-TCM30P can not work correctly,please confact us as I am thinking you may need other instructions. Size:1/2".3/4" or 1"inBSP or NPT thread connection(Stainless steel) For example an electric timer has been used., 2022, All Rights Reserved by H2O Distributors, Fleck 5600 Backwashing Mechanical Timer Control Valve, Replacement Water Filter Cartridges Guide, Fleck 3/4" Stainless Bypass for 5600, 5800, 2510, ProFlow & 9000, Fleck 1" Stainless Bypass for 5600, 5800, 2510, ProFlow & 9000, Fleck Noryl Bypass for 5600, 56SXT, 5800, 2510, ProFlow & 9000, Fleck 1" Noryl Yoke for 5600, 56SXT, 5800, 2510, ProFlow & 9000, Fleck 3/4" Noryl Yoke for 5600, 56SXT, 5800, 2510, ProFlow & 9000, More Information on Lead in Drinking Water, Simple mechanical design is easy to understand, Two valve body designs: one for downflow regeneration and one for upflow (covers every valve in the 5600 family - quick access to all internal components), Injector/drain modules containing the brine valve, flow controls and injector are removable from the valve's exterior, Ruggedly built timer is designed with heavy-duty 3/8" wide plastic gears, 5600 controls are user friendly and easy to program, Non-corrosive, UV-resistant Noryl valve body, Economical - small annual power consumption; keeps the time and activates the piston/valve mechanics with a single motor, Low water use piston (uses as little as 29 gal./regeneration), Neutralizing Filter - 6"-10" Tank Diameter. Option3Normallyclosedwhenpoweroff,withmemoryfunction, 24H SECURITY INTEREST (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS). with dash-pot, AGRICULTURE; FORESTRY; ANIMAL HUSBANDRY; HUNTING; TRAPPING; FISHING, HORTICULTURE; CULTIVATION OF VEGETABLES, FLOWERS, RICE, FRUIT, VINES, HOPS OR SEAWEED; FORESTRY; WATERING, Watering gardens, fields, sports grounds or the like, Cyclic operations, timing systems, timing valves, impulse operations, GENERAL TAGGING OF NEW TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS; GENERAL TAGGING OF CROSS-SECTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES SPANNING OVER SEVERAL SECTIONS OF THE IPC; TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER USPC CROSS-REFERENCE ART COLLECTIONS [XRACs] AND DIGESTS, TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER USPC, TECHNICAL SUBJECTS COVERED BY FORMER US CLASSIFICATION, Board Of Trustees Operating Michigan State University, ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNORS:JACOBS, SCOTT;HEREN, LAWRENCE P.;WISSLEAD, JOHN;REEL/FRAME:015576/0075;SIGNING DATES FROM 20040701 TO 20040707, WELLS FARGO FOOTHILL, INC., AS ADMINISTRATIVE AGEN, SECURITY AGREEMENT;ASSIGNOR:L. R. NELSON CORPORATION;REEL/FRAME:017083/0221, ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:L.R. Thevalvewillautomaticallykeeptheopen/closeforaperiodoftimeaccordingtotimerpresetting. Various timer mechanisms have been used in the past. The time for valve open: 0H:0M:0S -- 99H 59M 59S Push the fitting to the insertion mark you just made on the pipe. A gearing system is coupled to the impeller to eventually activate the valve to stop the water flow. ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORPORATION, ILLINOIS, Free format text: If you are working with copper pipe, use a deburr tool or sand paper to remove any sharp edges or burrs on the pipe. If no memory,When power ON again,the valve will open 10 minutes. Ensure tube is pushed into the tube stop. PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEE, 12TH YEAR, LARGE ENTITY (ORIGINAL EVENT CODE: M1553); ENTITY STATUS OF PATENT OWNER: LARGE ENTITY, Owner name: More specifically, the present invention is directed to an in-line mechanical timer which controls a valve for irrigation applications. Providing great service since 1994. The Gold Seal Program offers certification of all products and chemicals that contact drinking water. A control mechanism is coupled to the windup shaft and allows the timing mechanism to be set to move the plunger shaft to activate the valve for a predetermined amount of time. We will notify you of any additional amount before it is charged. The impeller based timer is self running and thus does not require an independent power source. ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORPORATION;REEL/FRAME:035123/0947, Free format text: RequiresAdobe Acrobat Reader. [ Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader] boxes. Air compressor Open/Close Interval Time Programmable up to 99+hours, The dial cap may be rotated in the retracted position to set the timing mechanism to remain in the retracted position for a set period of time. Yuhuan Dingsheng Sanitary & Plumbing Co., Ltd. Alion Holding Group Zhejiang Imp.& Exp. WELLS FARGO FOOTHILL, INC., AS ADMINISTRATIVE AGEN, Free format text: The valve is controlled by a timing device which will open the valve and keep it open to allow water flow to the outlet. When prices are not shown on the product detail page, add the item to the shopping cart to view the price.

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