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Today, savvy marketers know direct mail can be hyper targeted through demographics and location. You want to send flyers to homes near your business. Direct mail marketing gives businesses the opportunity to reach millions of individuals on a more personal level than digital communications can provide. There is no address on a Neighbourhood Mail item. Deselect a route by clicking on it, deselected routes appear as white on the map and are removed from your mailing plan. Delivered to an average of 500 points of call, it reaches everyone who lives on a specific postal walk, that is, every home, apartment, business or farm. Get discounts on your direct mail campaigns with Canada Post Solutions for Small BusinessTM. Click on the icon in the top right corner of the map to increase the size of the map on your screen. If you plan to manage the design of the piece yourself or leverage an existing template, and know who you want to target, we will manage the mail prep and distribution for you! Try it now Your partner can induct the mailings on your behalf, or, if youre handling the campaign on your own, you can drop the mailings off at a designated Canada Post drop-off location or post office. Youll need to factor in things like the cost of printing and mailing, as well as the costs of any external resources you may enlist to help you build your campaign (i.e. Maybe youre looking to target a specific kind of customer? Consumers Choice only applies to unaddressed mail and Postal Code Targeting is an addressed mail product. Orders are placed online and Canada Post takes care of the rest printing, online ad design (for integrated campaigns) and delivery of the piece. Action deep insights about consumers lifestyles, interests and behaviours. Alternatively, you can take the do it for me route, leveraging the expertise of Canada Posts direct mail partners, a.k.a. Routes appear in a range from blue, a low match, to red, a high match, to correspond with your demographic criteria. Include direct mail in your marketing mix forgreater attention, heightened emotional engagement and stronger brand recall. On top of all that, the response rate to direct mail for people aged 18-21 years old is 12.4 per cent significantly higher than digital marketing (0.12 per cent). We tested with 55 customers, many of whom participated more than once. Make sure to write your order number on each label. Create campaigns that drive more consumers to act. Heres what you can do to get the information you need. Are you trying to reach a certain demographic or specific type of customer, or are you targeting a geographic area or neighbourhood? Its important to set your campaigns up with a way to test and measure their effectiveness. Create a production timeline that you and your support team can stick to that captures the key dates related to your direct mail campaign. Businesses can use their existing customer list or purchase a targeted list from Canada Post for their mailing. Not every message and/or offer that you send will resonate with your audience. It all starts by defining exactly who you want to reach, crafting your content to grab their attention, and honing in on them with a hyper-targeted mailing. Data is what drives successful marketing campaigns, Case study: Absolut Vodka shaken, not deterred, Case Study: Golf Town Driving customer experience. support loyalty, retention and cross-sell initiatives. How you get your campaign printed and delivered depends on how you created it. Your mailing is then processed and delivered in the addressed mail stream. Design your direct mail, then well build digital ads than can be formatted to appear on any devices. Maximize acquisition dollars by only targeting new audiences while suppressing existing customers. Data targeting identifies the postal codes that match the profile of your ideal prospects. Simply put, direct mail marketing is promotional mail. Breaking Through the Noise; A Bias for Action, 2015. By including a How did you hear about us? section in your online checkout page, or at the till of your brick-and-mortar store, you can figure out whats getting customers in the door and driving them to click the buy button. Follow these guidelines for a better delivery experience. Lets look at the loyalty example again. We do everything for you including printing, online ad design and delivery. Even campaign timing can be tested especially if youre comparing between high selling periods and slower periods. Unlike the digital world of marketing and advertising, theres virtually no limit to who a business can reach with direct mail. Planning your direct mail campaign in six simple steps, Wake up, creatives! In fact, they can manage it from start to finish. Theyve launched a postcard marketing program that works with their email marketing program. Explore timely perspectives from marketing experts, discover emerging consumer trends and get inspired by award-winning case studies. When someone unsubscribes or opts out of email marketing communications from your business, you can still connect to them through direct mail. Terms and conditions apply. Postal Code Targeting is an addressed product because the address (point of call) information is embedded in the 2D data matrix barcode you print on each mail piece. Choose your ideal audience using an interactive map and demographic filters. Even U.S. email marketing giant Mailchimp advocates that postcards are a great investment. ), so direct mail presents a great opportunity to hop the fence. Is it to offer repeat customers a reward for their loyalty? Its designed to bolster the email marketing efforts of their customers, helping them reach, engage and target more people through direct mail. Optimize campaigns with messages targeted to new audiences while suppressing existing customers from your mailing. Yes. ", - Carl Schubert, VP, MHz Design Communications, "Adding Snap AdmailTM Plus to our marketing made an immediate impact on sales. Its a great tool to use to connect with old customers as it enables you to remind them about your business and encourage futurepurchases! Each postal code contains an average of 20 addresses. This is especially true if you are going the do it yourself route. Find recognized address validation service providers, How to meet Address Accuracy requirements, How to prepare scannable mail for machine processing, Adding missing suite numbers in multi-unit buildings. In life, we can often achieve more in tandem than alone. Contact your Canada Post representative for customer testimonials. Sign up for Canada Post Solutions for Small BusinessTM, its free with no hidden fees. Postal Code Targeting is a Standard machineable mail item printed with a unique 2D data matrix barcode. Why direct mail marketing is far from dead, Forbes, 2017. Learn how to optimize consumer attention, emotional engagement and brand recall. Go back to the first step in creating your mailing plan to make modifications. Here are the basic steps to follow: As with any marketing campaign, you need to know your end goal. "Snap Admail is very easy to use. Your piece will be printed and delivered by our team, on your timeline. There are a number of reasons why its so successful here are 5 that stand out: The days of spray and pray marketing are numbered. For more information view our privacy policy. Membership is free with no hidden costs. Our own research revealed that 74 per cent of Canadian consumers always or sometimes notice advertising in direct mail, 81 per cent read their mail the same day they receive it and 85 per cent will open mail if it looks interesting. Dont forget effectively managing your timelines and resources (including the time youre putting in yourself) can help you keep your budget on track during the process. If you need further assistance, please open a service ticket to contact us. Find the best audience for your marketing message by analyzing pre- and post-campaign data. Unlike email marketing where a business needs to either purchase or compile a virtual rolodex, and anti-spam legislation can lead to fines for businesses who reach out to the wrong individuals postcards can be sent to specific individuals in any physical area of a business choosing, whether the residents there have opted in to receive mail from the business or not. Unaddressed mail is delivered to the mailboxes by neighbourhood. During processing, the address found within the barcode is applied to the mail item. Find out how marketers and medium-large businesses can, Businesses of all sizes can get help from our network of Canada Post Smartmail Marketing, Small businesses can start their own direct mail campaign in less than 10 minutes and. Its proven to drive in-store visits and online engagement. Speak to a single individual. Get your brand into every home, apartment and business in specific neighbourhoods or regions, Use postal code data to find new customers that share the same qualities as your best customers, Make your customers feel valued with a personalized direct mail piece theyre more likely to open, Grow your customer base by targeting only new audiences, suppressing existing ones, Connect one-on-one with customers; Each postal walk contains an average of 500 addresses. These satisfied customers are starting to use Postal Code Targeting as an integral part of their acquisition strategy. Explore our cutting-edge research on the impact of direct mail and learn from real-world successful marketing campaigns and case studies. If you chose to work with a direct mail partner, they may drop off your mail pieces for you. Canada Post Spring Survey, 2020. Not sure what direct mail is? Include additional routes that are just outside your targeted area but still meet your criteria. It can be sent directly to consumers homes, PO boxes or their business address. Is the offer available both in-store and online? Did you know small businesses can send up to 31,487 targeted direct mail pieces for an estimated delivery cost of $6,190.97 in Toronto? It also revealed that direct mail and digital campaigns work better together than alone. Learn how to optimize consumer attention, emotional engagement and brand recall. Leverage postal code data to reach prospects who share the attributes of your best customers. Reach broadly to every home, apartment and business in a select neighbourhood. Target the letter carrier routes with your most promising prospects for your Canada Post Neighbourhood Mail, Improve market segmentation and penetration for Canada Post Personalized Mail. Online advertisements cant break down some barriers because who they reach depends largely on the users search engine, social media platform and daily usage. Every month I am able to quickly select my target areas and launch my new campaigns. Typically, marketers use demographic and geographic data to determine the best postal walk for their mailing campaign. Get inspired with ideas and stories from the worlds most effective marketing campaigns. Apply geographic, demographic and lifestyle insights to select postal codes. This can include campaign planning, data and targeting, creative, printing and delivery by Canada Post. Instead of getting lost in the digital inbox, savvy businesses are being discovered in the mailbox. Examples: send packages, change my address, Get more details on drop-off locations and timelines for delivery. Can I see examples of Postal Code Targeting case studies and customer success stories? An email just doesnt compare to something visually or physically interesting that you can hold and experience in real life. Leverage your brands creativity in a whole new medium to catch shoppers attention. Include a postage-paid return card or envelope in your next Neighbourhood Mail campaign. This means that acquisition dollars work harder for a better return on marketing investment. It can include flyers, brochures, catalogues, postcards and other pieces designed to grab attention. For more about integrated campaigns, read our blog. Direct mail might seem like old news, but it continues to resonate with shoppers today. Modify your selected target area. Postal Code Targeting leverages a 2D data matrix barcode to deliver the mail item to the address targeted; an address is included in the 2D data matrix barcode and can only be read by Canada Posts machines. Examples: send packages, change my address. When well planned, direct mail can enhance your existing marketing strategy and help you connect more deeply with consumers. Find a local partner in your area and lean on them to craft your message and design, target your ideal customers, print and distribute your campaign and test and measure the results. 2 3 Canada Post, 2021 Spring Survey, 21-211, June 2021. There are many elements you can test in a direct mail campaign: If you opted to include any promo codes in your campaign, you can measure their effectiveness and impact by checking things like how many people used them. If you want, you can, Please enter a topic. For campaigns with drive-to-store calls to action, track foot traffic going into your store before and after recipients have received a communication. For example, consider testing the effectiveness of a direct mail awareness campaign during higher selling periods such as the holidays, back to school or any other key periods for your business to draw in new customers. Start by choosing an approach that matches your campaign goals. Grabbing attention is always a good idea and there are countless ways to do so. Ranging from mail service providers to advertising and data marketing providers, our partners can help you with every aspect of your campaign objectives.

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