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Biol. J. Syst. However, the different effects of LJ02BC and LJ02FS on the SA-mediated defense responses may attributed to certain unidentified MAMP factors that functions in association with bacterium itself. doi: 10.1007/s10526-010-9324-8, Reuveni, M., Agapov, V., and Reuveni, R. (1996). doi: 10.1016/, Keywords: powdery mildew, biocontrol agent, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, salicylic acid, PR genes, systemic acquired resistance, Citation: Li Y, Gu Y, Li J, Xu M, Wei Q and Wang Y (2015) Biocontrol agent Bacillus amyloliquefaciens LJ02 induces systemic resistance against cucurbits powdery mildew. 114, 301308. SA as a key immune signal is involved in the regulation of downstream defense genes (Robert-Seilaniantz et al., 2011). Control 6, 353360. Therefore, it is likely that using gyrB as a phylogenetic marker is reliable in our study and could provide clues for bacillus determination. Saf. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.1962.tb08052.x, Newman, M. A., Sundelin, T., Nielsen, J. T., and Erbs, G. 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As is shown in Figure 3B, there was slight difference between the control and treatment group plants at the primary treatment period (<2 days). Two PR-1 genes from tomato are differentially regulated and reveal a novel mode of expression for a pathogenesis-related gene during the hypersensitive response and development. Considerable decrease in spore germination and fungal growth were detected after treated with LJ02FB. 16, 449455. Rev. An 1.2 kb gyrB gene fragment was amplified from the strain LJ02 and sequenced. 7H2O: 0.5 g, agar: 15 g, 1% Rose Bangal: 0.33 mL, 1% streptomycin: 3 mL, distilled water: 1,000 mL; Xu and Zheng, 1986) and incubated at 25C. Acetyl salicylic acid alleviates chilling-induced damage in muskmelon seedlings. The SOD activity of treatment group increased gradually and peaked after 36 h. It is very interesting to notice that the SOD activity retained a higher level even after 11 days treatment, suggesting its major role in disease resistance under our conditions. 49, 693700. Subsequently, we found that when we separated the LJ02FB into LJ02BC and LJ02FS, LJ02BC played very important roles in inducing the production of free SA in both upper uninoculated leaves and in roots. Phytopathol. Besides, we found that the production of several resistance-related enzymes has been significantly stimulated upon LJ02 treatment, which was probably caused by the coordinate activation by enhanced SA levels in LJ02-treated plants. (1986). Different letters are significantly difference at P < 0.01 according to Duncan multiple range test. The data of disease index, CE, resistance enzyme activities, SA production, germination rate, and fungi pathogen counts in rhizospheres were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. 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The role of antibiosis and induced systemic resistance, mediated by strains of Pseudomonas chlororaphis, Bacillus cereus and B. amyloliquefaciens, in controlling blackleg disease of canola. It can be seen that upon inoculation of LJ02 and in AG part, the upper cucumber leaves synthesized elevated level of SA and at the same time, this could partially explain the inhibition of powdery mildews. The powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera fusca (synonym Podosphaera xanthii), a constant threat to cucurbits. 61, 11041109. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens sp nov, nom rev. In previous studies, only one-way signal transduction was investigated, such as AGBG, AGAG, and BGBG (Yi et al., 2011). 140, 2737. (2015). But the activity of PPO increased rapidly after 2 days and became significant different (P < 0.05) from the control at 3rd day. Mol. Rev. 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As is shown in Figure 5, at 2nd day and 3rd day after treated with LJ02FB, the expression of PR-1 gene in treatment group was significantly higher than that of control group, indicating that SA-mediated defense gene expression is induced in LJ02FB-treated cucumber leaves. Induction of defense-related enzymes in soybean leaves by class IId bacteriocins (thuricin 17 and bacthuricin F4) purified from Bacillus strains. J. As is shown in Figure 3A, the treatment group had a significant increase in SOD production as compared to the control treatment. Wan, H. J., Zhao, Z. G., Qian, C. T., Sui, Y. H., Malik, A. Figure 7. Nat. PPOs function as catalyzing the oxygen-dependent oxidation of phenols to quinones and are assumed to be involved in plant defense against pests and pathogens (Li and Steffens, 2002). Plant Physiol. (Figure 6C). Harnessing useful rhizosphere microorganisms for pathogen and pest biocontrol, View all Biochem. The MS solid medium containing rhizosphere secretions was made into cake by a sterile puncher (0.5 cm in diameter). 15, 473497. Table 1. Therefore, we intended to identify the LJ02 based on its phylogeny, morphology, physiological, and biochemical properties. Early signaling events induced by elicitors of plant defenses. Relative expression of PR-1 gene in cucumber leaves after treated with LJ02FB (Treated) and PDB (Control). Bacteriol. (2000). Microbiol. (2011). Generally, it was believed that beneficial bacteria can make the plant more tolerant to pathogens by stimulating ISR, which was shown to protect above-ground plant tissues and acts through roots to leaves (Van der Ent et al., 2009). Microbiol. Moreover, the quantity of rhizosphere fungi was determined after treated with LJ02FB in cucumber leaves. Ecotoxicol. Salicylic-acid induced resistance to Erwinia carotovora subsp carotovora in tobacco.

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