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Sie verweist darauf, dass es auch Studien gäbe, welche in einer vegetarischen Ernährung — bis auf die Herzkreislaufgesundheit — keine gesundheitlichen Vorteile sehen. The China Study ist ein Sachbuch von T. Colin Campbell, emeritierter Professor für Biochemie an der Cornell University, und seinem Sohn Thomas M. Campbell aus dem Jahre 2004. User ratings. [13]:111–113 They save lives when a heart attack is in progress, but are costly and have dangerous side effects such as stroke. It is pervasive even in young, active Americans in the form of plaque buildup that partially blocks arteries. High BMD is associated with higher rates of osteoarthritis, breast cancer, obesity, and even (in some places) higher rates of hip fracture. This lifestyle change can create sustained weight loss and lower the risk of chronic disease. [13]:Chapter 3, Rats were fed aflatoxin and varying amounts of protein (between 5% and 20% of their diet). Dabei hätte ein Dosis-abhängiger Effekt beobachtet werden können, der einsetzte, sobald mehr Protein konsumiert wurde, als der Körper zum Selbsterhalt brauche. [21], Um die Theorie des Zusammenhanges von Krebs und Proteinzufuhr auf den Menschen übertragen zu können, brauche es, so Campbell, mehr Evidenz aus Studien mit Menschen. Die Studie erhob von rund 6.500 Teilnehmern 367 deskriptive Variablen über Ernährung, Lebensstil, Blut- und Urin-Biochemie und Sterblichkeitsraten aus rund 300.000 individuellen Todesfällen. [13]:83–87 They also argue that one of the main justifications for increasing dietary fat is false: a claim that Americans have had a mania for reducing fat, yet they are fatter than ever. What they found when combined with findings in Colin’s laboratory, opened their eyes to the dangers of a diet high in animal … They have been found to be more prone to behavioral and learning struggles, and the resulting low self-esteem can become a permanent issue. [13]:109 The main aim of research has been to develop technology such as coronary bypass surgery, coronary angioplasty, defibrillators, pacemakers and heart transplants. Es wird ein Verzehranteil tierischer Nahrungsproteine von höchstens 5 % der Gesamtnahrung empfohlen. Exemplarisch prüft Pollmer die Autorenthese, dass Menschen, die viel Fett essen, häufiger an Krebs sterben. Dies zeige sich beim Blick auf Cholesterin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D und Vitamin B12, welches die einzigen „Nährstoffe“ seien, die „tierbasierte“ Nahrungsmittel haben, „pflanzenbasierte“ jedoch „größtenteils nicht“. [41], Die Ärztin und Skeptikerin Harriet Hall sieht 2009 in ihrer auf Science-Based Medicine veröffentlichten Rezension bezüglich The China Study einige vielversprechende Argumente, allerdings keine ausreichend guten. [15] It built on a national survey in the 1970s that collected data on mortality for 96% of Chinese citizens and produced an atlas of rates for each kind of disease (of which there were more than four dozen)[13]:65 cancer by region. More items to explore. She also stated that the book does not explain the exceptions to his data—for example that "stomach cancer rates are higher in China than elsewhere in the world. King, G. Jay, T. C. Campbell: Kapitel 3: Turning off Cancer, Abschnitt: Other Cancers other Carcinogenes. [13]:Chapter 2, Chapter 3 begins with a description of the deep public interest in carcinogens. Campbells Empfehlung, den Konsum tierischer Produkte – besonders tierischen Proteins – deutlich zu vermindern, gelte auch in der Vollwert-Ernährung, eine vegane Ernährung würde in der Vollwert-Ernährung jedoch nicht explizit empfohlen. In the China Study, strong links were seen between increased levels of vitamin C in the blood (mainly due to fruit consumption) and lower risk of several kinds of cancer (by factors of up to 8). [13]:115–119 Dean Ornish conducted a controlled study in which 28 heart disease patients were treated with lifestyle changes only and twenty with a standard approach. This book is often cited by proponents of vegetarian diets as being a definitive study and guide to the superiority of vegetarianism. The blood cholesterol was in turn strongly correlated with animal protein intake, even though Chinese consumed about ten time less on average than Americans. Sein Team prüfte auch Sojaeiweiss und Weizeneiweiss[9]. [13]:54, In the above experiments, the rats were fed casein, the dominant protein in cow's milk. Multiple studies show a strong association between consumption of cow's milk and type 1 diabetes. This can occur when the foreign protein cells, or antigens, are difficult to distinguish from the body's proteins. [11][12] Auch hier zeigte sich eine hohe Zufuhr an Casein als Krebs-Promotor. Während Veganer die China Study feiern, gibt es auch viele Kritiker. Colin Campbell describes how he began with a traditional view of the importance of protein, but some research changed his mind. T. Colin Campbell begann seine Karriere am MIT, wo er von 1958 bis 1961 daran forschte, das Angebot von hochwertigen Proteinen zu steigern, indem man Kühe und Schafe schneller wachsen ließ. Im Unterschied dazu entwickelte die Vergleichsgruppe mit 5 % Proteinanteil an der Nahrung keinen Krebs. [20], Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent, said in his documentary The Last Heart Attack in 2011 that The China Study had changed the way people all over the world eat. In der groß angelegten, epidemiologischen Studie untersuchte er den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Verzehr tierischer Produkte und Krankheiten. [13]:Chapter 1, Chapter 2 examines the history of protein research and the emphasis on protein in dietary recommendations. Each chapter summarizes research on one or more closely related diseases and the role of diet. [27], Campbell beschreibt wie neben Krebs (Brust, Prostata, Enddarm) auch Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, Fettleibigkeit, Diabetes mellitus, Autoimmunerkrankungen, Osteoporose oder degenerativen Gehirnerkrankungen Folge einer westlichen Ernährung und eines ungesunden Lebensstils sein können. In the first, The China Study, the authors describe some of the health problems faced by Americans, early lab work by T. Colin Campbell, and the epidemiological study known as the China Study. Bezüglich der Buchthesen zum Auftreten von Krebsarten und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen kritisiert sie ein durch die Autoren selektives Berücksichtigen von Korrelationen bei der Auswertung epidemiologischer Daten. In the rats, these were "anticipated to be human carcinogens" based on laboratory studies with rats. [13]:60–61, With colleagues Junshi Chen and Junyao Li from China and Richard Peto of Oxford University, Colin Campbell led a study that encompassed 65 counties in China with 100 adults per county. Es würde den Leser nicht unberührt lassen, auch wenn er nicht gleich zum Veganer werden müsse. Denise Minger habe gezeigt, dass diese Beweise weitgehend illusorisch sind. Its author concludes that animal protein causes cancer — but there are a lot of problems with his statistics and science. The China Study ist ein Sachbuch von T. Colin Campbell, emeritierter Professor für Biochemie an der Cornell University, und seinem Sohn Thomas M. Campbell aus dem Jahre 2004. The China Study included a comparison of the prevalence of Western diseases (coronary heart disease, diabetes, leukemia, and cancers of the colon, lung, breast, brain, stomach and liver) in each county. Many of the factors are linked. [13]:67–68 In particular, liver cancer was strongly associated with cholesterol level, as well as chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus ("the virus provides the gun, and bad nutrition pulls the trigger.") Hall argued that the book had references which do not support directly the claims made by the authors. [21], Dies ergab sich für Campbell im sogenannten China-Cornell-Oxford Project – einer groß angelegten, von der Cornell University, der University of Oxford und der chinesischen Regierung unterstützten epidemiologischen Studie, die in 65 ländlichen chinesischen Bezirken in den 1970er und 1980er Jahre durchgeführt wurde. More than 30 years ago, nutrition researcher T. Colin Campbell and his team at Cornell, in partnership with teams in China and England, embarked upon the China Study, the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease. The China Study was the culmination of a 20-year partnership of … In der ersten Phase werde Krebs durch Karzinogene, beispielsweise Chemikalien, initiiert. However, Americans have actually increased their consumption of fats, and even more rapidly increased their consumption of refined carbohydrates in junk food. An example is nitrites, chemicals found in foods such as hot dogs, bacon and canned meat. Betroffen gewesen seien vielmehr Kinder aus wohlhabenden Schichten, welche viel tierisches Eiweiss konsumierten. Es gebe nicht mal einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Fettaufnahme und Herzinfarkten. The body neutralizes this with calcium, which it pulls from bones, so they are weakened. Within each of the 65 counties, 2 villages were selected and 50 families in each were randomly chosen. [13]:88–91, The China Study also found that protein intake is associated with height and body weight, whether the source of protein is animals or plants. [17], Chapter 7 begins with a description of Types 1 and 2 diabetes, which as of 2012 afflicted 9.3% of adults in the U.S. and is associated with much greater risk of heart, kidney and nervous system diseases as well as blindness and other complications. All these factors are worsened by a diet high in animal proteins and refined carbohydrates. Bei der Frage nach den Folgen von Fleischeiweiß böten die Originaldaten nicht den Hauch eines schädlichen Zusammenhangs, egal um welche Todesursache es auch immer gehe. [40], Udo Pollmer wirft den Buchautoren vor, sie missbrauchten den Namen einer der besten Ernährungsstudien. Letztlich würde daher kein Leser unter Rückgriff auf die Originalstudie die Aussagen des Bestseller prüfen wollen. Productspecificaties . Over the strong objections of the authors, who proposed 200 alternate titles but were overruled by the publisher. Denn laut der original Chinastudie gebe es zwischen dem Fettverzehr und Krebs keinen Zusammenhang. Diese Kritik sollte ernst genommen werden, denn dadurch relativierten sich einige der Schlussfolgerungen der Buchautoren. [13]:52 Much the same results were obtained in studies of liver cancer and diet in mice. The China Study sei von Vegetariern begrüßt worden, weil sie ihre Überzeugungen mit starken Beweisen zu untermauern schien. Zusammen mit Professor Engel arbeitete er dort an einem Projekt, die Ernährung von philippinischen Kindern zu verbessern. This phase is reversible, depending on the balance between promoters that feed growth and anti-promoters that inhibit it. The Ultimate Summary of the China Study: Here’s What You Need to Know 2. Dazu hätten die Autoren Zahlen aus allen möglichen Staaten dieser Welt zusammengetragen, nur nicht aus China. Costs of medical treatment rose from $70 billion in 1999 to more than $147 billion in 2006, while weight management treatments cost another $60 billion, yet obesity is on the rise. "[13]:201 Most stones are made of calcium or oxalate. [2][3], The China Study examines the link between the consumption of animal products (including dairy) and chronic illnesses such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and bowel cancer. Without the insulation a sheat provides, electric currents go astray and "burn" nearby cells. Campbell analysiere zudem zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse, die von diversen Forschergruppen im Laufe der Jahre publiziert wurden. [13]:119–121, Chapter 6 discusses the problem of obesity in America. If this occurs slowly, the body can compensate by finding new pathways. Yet rates of hip fracture are highest in the countries that have the highest milk consumption. A 1999 graduate of Cornell University and recipient of a medical degree in 2010, Thomas M. Campbell II, MD, is a writer, actor and five-time marathon runner. [13]:147 Breast cancer is associated with risk factors including early age of menarche, late age of menopause, high levels of female hormones (including estrogen and progesterone), and high blood cholesterol. [13]:125–127 Multiple intervention studies are cited that show rapid weight loss when a WFPB diet is followed. [13]:167–169 Animal protein increases the production of insulin-like growth factor 1, disturbing the balance between growth and removal of cells, and suppresses the activated form of Vitamin D, suppressing its multiple health benefits. A 1975 study of 32 countries found a particularly strong link between colon cancer and meat intake. The China Study, written by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and his son Dr Thomas M Campbell, has been the most profound book Sean and I have ever read, completely changing the way we view nutrition, our eating habits and how we view chronic disease. There are large differences in rates between countries, and studies of migrants favor environment over genetics as the reason. [13]:Chapter 3, Chapter 4 discusses the China–Cornell–Oxford Project, a massive epidemiological study conducted in the 1980s, also referred to as the China Study. Meanwhile, five who dropped off the diet had ten new events. [16] Starting in 1948, the Framingham Heart Study followed over 5,000 volunteers and developed the concept of a risk factor. Das Buch gewähre neben den gesundheitlichen Aspekten interessante Einblicke in die Schattenseiten und Verflechtungen der Lebensmittelwirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik. He has received more than 70 grant years of peer-reviewed research funding and authored more than 300 research papers. 1968) aufmerksam geworden,[3] welches beschreibt, dass von Ratten, die Aflatoxinen ausgesetzt waren, nur diejenigen mit 20 % Protein in der Nahrung Krebs entwickelten. Es werde von Mikroorganismen im Boden und im Darm von Tieren produziert. [4] The authors conclude that people who eat a predominantly whole-food, vegan diet—avoiding animal products as a source of nutrition, including beef, pork, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk, and reducing their intake of processed foods and refined carbohydrates—will escape, reduce, or reverse the development of numerous diseases. Dies deshalb, da wir ständig Karzinogenen ausgesetzt seien, es jedoch darauf ankomme, ob die geschädigten Zellen danach auch weiter wachsen können. Die Autoren kamen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Bücher zwar vergleichsweise selten als Auslöser für vegane Ernährung fungieren, sie würden jedoch rezipiert, nachdem die Entscheidung für den Veganismus gefällt wurde. [16], Campbell verweist auf Experimente der Kollegen an der Universität Illinois,[17][18][19] welche für Casein ähnliche krebsfördernde Effekte bei Brustkrebs in Ratten zeigten. [13]:44–45 In the promotion phase, the development of foci was "almost entirely dependent on how much protein was consumed, regardless of how much aflatoxin was consumed. The China study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health is a book by T. Colin Campbell and his son, Thomas M. Campbell II. After years of... 3. The research was conducted in those counties because they had genetically similar populations that tended, over generations, to live and eat in the same way in the same place. However, the chapter ends by noting that experiments involving rats do not provide quantitative information on the effect of diet on humans. The book’s major thesis is that we could prevent or cure most disease (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, bone, kidney, eye and other diseases) by eating a whole foods plant-based diet, drastically reducing our protein intake, and … [13]:105–109 Others, dating back as far as the beginning of the 20th century, implicated animal protein, but such claims have been very controversial, with detractors mocking plant eaters as effeminate. [13]:194–199, The debate over osteoporosis, or bone disease, is complicated by the influence of the dairy industry. T. Collin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell, II: Kapitel 2: A House of Proteins, Abschnitt: The Protein Gap, Kapitel 2: A House of Proteins, Abschnitt: Feeding the Children, Kapitel 2: A House of Proteins, Abschnitt: A Revelation to Die for, Kapitel 3: Turning off Cancer, Abschnitt: Back to Protein, Kapitel 3: Turning off Cancer, Abschnitt: The Three Stages of Cancer, Kapitel 3: Turning off Cancer, Abschnitt: Protein and Initiation, Kapitel 3: Turning off Cancer, Abschnitt: Protein and Promotion. [42] 2010 gibt sie an, eine „Reihe von Dingen in dem Buch“ bemerkt zu haben, die sie störten. Dementgegen würden pflanzliche Lebensmittel (wie Vollkornprodukte, Gemüse, Kartoffeln, Hülsenfrüchte) das Cholesterin senken. However, upon careful review of this book, it is no such thing. Beteiligt waren zwei westliche Universitäten sowie die Chinesische Akademie für Präventivmedizin. Außerdem erleichtere es die praktische Anwendung der empfohlene Ernährungsweise, wenn man es bezüglich geringer Mengen an tierischen Produkten entspannt anginge. Blood levels of other kinds of antioxidant were more difficult to measure, so few correlations were seen. Es wirke also als Promotor. Da das Buch in den USA bereits im Jahr 2004 erschienen sei, fehlten Erkenntnisse des letzten Jahrzehnts. [13]:148–151 However, the medical establishment has focussed most of its attention on genetic mutations BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are rare; screening, which can lead to earlier treatment but may not improve survival rate; and anti-estrogen drugs such as tamoxifen that do not address the causes of high estrogen. In the initiation phase, a carcinogen enters a cell and is metabolized by an enzyme called mixed-function oxidase (MFO). [43], Eine 2017 veröffentlichte Befragungsstudie zu den Motiven für vegane Ernährung als Lebensstil ermittelte, dass das Buch The China Study unter den in Deutschland vegan lebenden Teilnehmern besonders populär ist. The findings were further backed by a rat study conducted in India. "The China Study is the account of a ground-breaking research study that provides the answers long sought by physicians, scientists and health­ conscious readers. [13]:51 The conclusion is that animal-based foods increase tumor development while plant-based foods decrease it. Leitzmann kritisiert den Untertitel der zweiten deutschen Ausgabe: Die wissenschaftliche Begründung für eine vegane Ernährungsweise; dieser verspreche mehr, als das Buch erbringe. "[25], The book was reviewed by Harriet Hall, a physician and skeptic who writes about alternative medicine, in a blog entry[26] posted on the Science-Based Medicine website in 2009. "[24], In a written debate with Campbell in 2008, nutritionist Loren Cordain argued that "the fundamental logic underlying Campbell's hypothesis (that low [animal] protein diets improve human health) is untenable and inconsistent with the evolution of our own species." Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . It concluded that rats exposed to aflatoxin (which causes liver cancer) respond differently to the carcinogens, and that this response is diet-dependent. Toon meer Toon minder. Die anderen 380 Seiten berichten über frühere Studien Campbells, überwiegend mit Nagetieren, sowie seine Berufs- und Lebenserfahrungen. Nach erlaubten die ermittelten Korrelationen nur begrenzte Rückschlüsse und seien „ nicht als kausal zu betrachten “, Kartoffeln Hülsenfrüchte... ( wie Vollkornprodukte, Gemüse, Kartoffeln, Hülsenfrüchte ) das Cholesterin senken a plant-based diet helps your fight... And developed the concept of a 20-year partnership of Cornell University T. Campbell. 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